Hey Bo Diddley

The great Bo Diddley died recently. Before we get to the covers tribute let’s pause to review one of the more amusing commercials of recent years. For you youngsters, Bo Jackson was an athlete who played professional baseball and professional football at the same time.

Mary Shelley Overdrive “Who Do You Love” (Bo Diddley)
Boy, this is one creepy song. They do a great job of taking one of the great old warhorses and doing something new with it.

Blues Magoos “Who Do You Love” (Bo Diddley)
This one’s a repost from last year. I don’t normally repost stuff but this is another good example of taking a song well-known for its beat and doing something else with it.

Quicksilver Messenger Service “Mona” (Bo Diddley)
This is from the live album that also includes a twenty-minute version of “Who Do You Love.” It’s also the song that introduced me to Bo Diddley’s music. Really.

Melanie C “I Want Candy” (The Strangeloves)
So many other songs have used the Bo Diddley beat over the years. This is the first one that came to mind.

Spanky Wilson and the Quantic Soul Orchestra “You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover” (Bo Diddley)
You don’t often hear trumpets and clarinets on a Bo Diddley song.