
Before we got married my wife and I visited a friend of hers in Germany. During a discussion with our hostess I referred to something as “cheesy” and my wife and I had to struggle to explain the concept to her. I have since found a great definition at

Trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic.

Specifically that which is unsubtle or inauthentic in its way of trying to elicit a certain response from a viewer, listener, audience, etc. Celine Dion is cheesy because her lyrics, timbre, key changes, and swelling orchestral accompaniment telegraph ‘I want you to be moved’ instead of moving you. Gold chains on an exposed hairy chest are cheesy because they shout out: “I have money and I am manly” instead of impressing a woman in a more subtle way, or allowing a woman to form her own judgments. The excessive showing off suggests he’s compensating for what he does not have–i.e., he’s actually poor, insecure, or short with an inferiority complex. Cliches are often cheesy because they are an obvious and artless way of making a point. A movie might be cheesy if it contains ‘on the nose’ dialogue, like “I can’t live without you” or “You had me at hello.”

Cheesiness is subjective. What seems cheesy to me, may be a legitimate and attractive hairstyle to you. What seems cheesy to me, may cause you to weep and hug your girlfriend tight.

I mention this because a friend of mine has been asked to play her harp during brunch at a local cheese shop. So to help her out I’m providing some cheesy songs she can play for the occasion.

Zed “Una Paloma Blanca” (George Baker Selection)
This is such a relentlessly chipper song. He’s a bird in the sky smelling the new-mown hay and listening to the voice of God. All because he’s, you know, free.

Big Fish Ensemble “I Am Woman” (Helen Reddy)
Talk about your lack of subtlety. Helen Reddy wanted to record a song to inspire legions of women’s libbers, regardless of how artless or overblown the result. I love this cover because the singer doesn’t change the original lyrics and also does nothing to hide the fact that he’s a man. He sounds like he’s singing the theme song from a beer commercial.

Dead Kennedys “Take This Job And Shove It” (Johnny Paycheck)
There are plenty of sincere, heartfelt songs about the struggles of the working man. This is not one of them. It just takes the one thing everybody’s always wanted to say to their boss and turns it into a chorus.

Hybrid Kids “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” (Rod Stewart)
If you have to ask, you’re not. This is the aural equivalent of gold chains and a hairy chest.

Slim Whitman “Danny Boy” (comp. Frederick Weatherly)
Here’s a song seemingly written with the express purpose of inducing uncontrolled sobbing in rooms full of drunken Irishmen. It’s maudlin and sappy. And surprisingly enough when you add yodeling it gets even cheesier.

7 thoughts on “Cheese

  1. Sue LaFleur

    We have a band here in NZ, called Zed. It’s not them is it? If it is then they have certainly gotten alot better at singing.

  2. Sue LaFleur

    We have a TV Beer commercial in NZ, where a bunch of try hard blokes get dressed up as women to infiltrate the Brewery which is run entirely by women. The Big Fish song would be perfect for this!

  3. Sue LaFleur

    ..and it’s on You Tube…. search for Beer Tui Ad Sexy Girls…I Am Woman would suit this ad superbly!

  4. Steve McI

    The Zed song is from Andrew Denton’s Musical Challenge, so they might be an Australian band. I really don’t know anything about them.

  5. Kimberley

    How can you write a post on Cheese and Cheesy songs and NOT include the Master himself: Richard Cheese!

  6. Steve McI

    Kimberly, posting a Richard Cheese song would have been too easy, too obvious, lacking in subtlety and, well, cheesy.

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